Monday, 17 August 2009

They come over to our planet, crushing our crops...

It was a bit of a slow-day in terms of The Daily Mail's around-the-clock vigil of British immigration issues, but the paper did sensationally reveal today a huge influx of migrants... from Outer Space!

'We want you, come with us,' one alien apparently told two terrified Staffordshire boys in 1995 after appearing from under a hovering UFO.

It is just one of countless mysterious reports released as part of a three-year project between the MoD and The National Archives, aimed at opening up the records to a worldwide audience.


The sightings were made between 1981 and 1996 from observers including police officers, fighter pilots and school children. They range from lights in the sky to close contact with aliens with 'lemon-shaped heads'

Opening up the records? Does that mean we've got pictures too I hear you cry? You bet your lemon-shaped head we do...

Spaceship? Upside down cherry pie? It's hard to say.

"Come here, I want you" are the words the young boy in the second letter claim were said to him and his friend. Well, paedophile E.T. is just the tip of the fear-iceberg this article, astonishingly, whips up.

I have seen one and I have a witness. I don't give 2 hoots who believes me. All I want to know is who is gonna protect us from them? As far as I can tell - no one can. From what I have heard they take people up into their ships and basically torture them and steal their eggs or sperm for breeding purposes. Couldnt the government offer them donations of sperm and or eggs and supervised experiments so they can experiment - surely this would make abductions and the pyscological effect less traumatic. It is disgusting how the government have kept this from us for so long.

- Kristy, England, 17/8/2009 12:12


They cannot protect us from ET and they know it...meanwhile we get experimented on here, with untested drugs and subjected to all manner of coercion...mainly fear. My namesake Mr Nigel Kneale had some very interesting comment to make regarding corruption and the spread of ignorance.

- Quatermass II, Salford, 17/8/2009 16:04

Next week, 'Martians cost taxpayer £1MILLION per year'.

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